This time I'll take historical revisionism for a thousand, Alex

This time I'll take historical revisionism for a thousand, Alex

by digby

Here's another of those reminders that the conventional wisdom which says America has always held Israel to be beyond reproach until the Kenyan usurper came along and ruined everything isn't exactly correct. Here's a line from the memoir of a former president:

"I told him I was calling P.M. Begin immediately. And I did -- I was angry -- I told him it had to stop or our entire future relationship was endangered. I used the word holocaust deliberately & said the symbol of war was becoming a picture of a 7-month-old baby with its arms blown off."

That was Saint Ronald Reagan in 1982.

Just pointing it out so that people realize that this idea US presidents and Israeli Prime Ministers have always been the bestest of friends is bunk. This is not an emergency.

h/t to RP