Hissy fit alert

Hissy fit alert

by digby

The Democrats in Missouri are registering people to vote at the site where Michael Brown was killed. The Republicans are fuming:

“If that’s not fanning the political flames, I don’t know what is,” Wills said, “I think it’s not only disgusting but completely inappropriate.”

Wills explained that the shooting death of Michael Brown was a tragedy for everyone.

“This is not just a tragedy for the African American community this is a tragedy for the Missouri community as well as the community of what we call America,” he said. “Injecting race into this conversation and into this tragedy, not only is not helpful, but it doesn’t help a continued conversation of justice and peace.

The Breitbart article from which that excerpt is lifted also refers to Al Sharpton and a clergyman from the area exhorting people to vote although it doesn't explicitly tie those comments in with this patently phony GOP official's sanctimonious hand wringing. Here's what Sharpton said:

Some of y’all that is mad now, wasn’t mad three weeks ago for election day. Y’all got to start voting and showing up!” Sharpton said, calling the areas 12 percent voter turnout “an insult to your children.”

“Michael Brown’s gonna change this town,” Sharpton hollered.

I'm fairly sure they think Sharpton injected race into the conversation just by being black.

I'm not sure who's injecting race into this voter registration drive but it doesn't appear to be the Democrats. Unless the mere registration of voters in Ferguson's black community is considered to be injecting race, they are just registering voters in a place where they are likely to be Democrats.  The RNC is welcome to do the same at NRA events and anti-abortion rallies if they choose.

But it's telling that voter registration for these African American citizens is considered by the Missouri Republicans to be inappropriate race baiting. Kind of gives the game away doesn't it?
